Friends of Harrington Beach SP Annual Meeting ~ April 27, 2017
Welcome - Dinner at 6:00pm
Call to Order: President, Tara Kos called the meeting to order after a catered meal from Bernies Meats in Port Washington generously donated by Bob Burant. Kos’s provided the owl cake!
Roll Call: 27 people were in attendance; 20 members (4 absentee ballots); out of 53 total members. 38% of our membership was present to vote.
Review of 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes: Diane Keller made a motion to accept the April 2016 minutes, Glenn Weichman seconded and all approved. No discussion
Financial Report: Jim Schmit, Treasurer, handed out the past year financial report. We carry a balance of $27,415.08. The accessible cabin is paid in full and is property of the DNR. The Friends per DNR requirements carry a $3,000 cabin maintenance fund. Firewood continues to be the biggest percentage of our revenue. Neil Kraemer made a motion to accept the treasurers report for fiscal April 2016 through April 2017. Elaine Nulph seconded the motion and all approved.
Election of Officers: Open positions for President, Vice-President, Secretary and open board membership was published in the annual meeting invitations. Tara Kos stepped down from the president. Nancy Hise was nominated for a 2 year term as President, Elaine Stecker-Kochanski moved to Secretary. Vice-President is open. David Shaw was nominated to board member. There were no nominations from the floor. Voting was done for these nominations all at once and passed.
Volunteer Recognition: Tara recognized all the volunteers present including staff. Stan Schielke, Head Maintenance, was recognized upon his retirement in May. Many hours and hands are needed to support the efforts at Harrington. The accessible cabin donors plaque is in progress.
Upcoming Programs: Ranger Robin Miller reported that several programs coming up will need volunteers including the Work/Play/Earth/Day on April 29, Pancake Breakfast on June 3, Sandcastles on July 1st, Kite Flying on July 8th and Monarch Butterfly event on September 2nd.
Park Report: In Ken Severn’s absence, Carolyn Morgen, Superintendent, reported that volunteerism is alive and well at both Kohler-Andrae and Harrington. Without volunteers, the parks would be struggling to offer programs and facility/grounds maintenance. She thanked each and everyone who volunteers at Harrington.
Owl Talk: Because of wet, cold weather we were unable to follow Ranger Robin on an owl hike in the park. She presented some facts and some different owl hoots that we may hear in the park around dusk.
Adjorn: Bob Burant made a motion to adjourn and Diane Keller seconded. Next regular board meeting is May 25th in the Welcome Center at 7pm.