The Accessible Cabin Committee had an active 2011 and will expand our efforts in 2012 to meet our goal of raising the $150,000 required by the DNR before groundbreaking can commence in 2013.
To date, we have raised approximately $30,000 in donations. In addition, we have an in-kind commitment for all of the engineering work!
We have recently received approval of a $20,000 Knowles- Nelson Stewardship grant, bringing our total funds to nearly $55,000. Two additional yearly $20,000 grants will be requested.
Since these are matching grants, we need the funds to “match” the $20,000. To help in this endeavor we are planning another Pancake Breakfast in the park on June 3,2012, as well as another raffle. We are also distributing several cabin donation boxes throughout the area.
Our website is being updated to provide up-to-date status of the cabin fundraising and construction progress. You may also find updates on our Facebook page: Friends of Harrington Beach State Park.
Finally, we welcome volunteer support with experience, skills and interest in the various construction trades required to build this cabin in 2013/14. Please contact Andrew Krueger at (262) 285 -3015 to schedule a meeting with him and/or Neil Kraemer and learn more about this project.