January 2013 Monthly Updates

Looking for something to do?

Staff/Volunteer Party:  Invitations are going out for the annual Staff/Volunteer Party.  DATE HAS CHANGED TO JANUARY 19, 2013.  FORMAT HAS ALSO CHANGED AS DINNER WILL BE PROVIDED, NOT A POT LUCK! This year we will be doing a Murder Mystery dinner.  Sorry but this one is invitation only.  Do you want to be invited to the 2014 party?  There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer and be added to the invite list for next year.  Be sure to check out joining the Friends of Harrington Beach State Park by opening the Membership Form on the Home or About tab. 

February Candlelight Ski/Hike:  Saturday, February 2, 2013 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.  Like the January hike, come enjoy a quiet walk around the quarry and the trail lit by Tiki torches.  Stop in the Welcome Center!  The Friends of Harrington Beach State Park will have free coffee, apple cider and cocoa to drink along with bars and cookies.  There will also be chili and hot dogs for sale.  The Northern Cross Science Foundation will have the telescopes up for night viewing at Pucketts Pond if the skies are clear.  If the skies are overcast, members of Northern Cross will be there to answer all your astronomy questions.  If you would like to help, please call Ronnie Morgan at 262-285-3803.  Some volunteer opportunities include:

·   Setup Tiki torches (done late morning or early afternoon)

·   Takedown Tiki torches following the event

·   Bake bars or cookies to be served at the event

·   Serve food


Annual Meeting:  The annual meeting will be held on April 25, 2013.  Sign in and dinner at 6:30 p.m. with the business meeting at 7 p.m.  

Packer Party/Fundraiser:  Thank you to all who volunteered, donated and/or attended the Packer Party we held December 2, 2012 at the Belgium Community Center.  We raised over $2,000 for our Accessible Cabin.

Treasures of Oz:  Each year Treasures of Oz showcases several unique "treasure sites" in the county, using an open-house format with docents and exhibits at each location. The event is free and open to the public. The event's purpose to engage people in learning about the natural gems of the area and encouraging them to fall in love with Ozaukee's natural resources.
Quarry Lake will be one of the featured sites for the event on Saturday, June 15th, 2013. The Friends of Harrington Beach will be providing history and stories about this wonderful place. Other treasure opportunities this year include the Cedarburg Bog Field Station's boardwalk, Blue Heron Wildlife Preserve, and five more, some never opened to the public before 2013.

Treasures of Oz's website is an adventure in itself. Under "treasures" is not only a listing of all of Ozaukee's parks and preserves, but maps to get there, photos and more. You can find outdoor activities listed by types, or by locations under "recreation." There are water trails as well as hiking trails mapped out. There are links to and information on all of the environmental organizations and recreational opportunities in the county as well as a full calendar of events. The photo galleries are outstanding. Go explore the site at www.treasuresofoz.org.

Financial Update:  Speaking of the cabin, we now have $75,000 in donations and grants for the construction of the cabin.  We are waiting to hear on a grant application submitted in November and continue to fund raise.  If you would like to give toward this project we have made it easy for you.  Just click on the “Donate” button on our website.  We are a nonprofit organization.

Our next scheduled board meeting is February 28, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Adolph and Marie Ansay Welcome Center.   Our meetings are open to membership at large so we hope to see you there!