News from the Park

Volunteer Opportunities Update

Written by Nancy Hise

Summer is finally here in Wisconsin!  How are you spending your time outside of work and home?  Harrington Beach State Park has so many programs to offer family fun, education about our natural resources AND opportunities for you to join the efforts to help out at Harrington.  I've put updates to these volunteer opportunities in italics.

Kite Making Event: This has been scheduled for Saturday, August 3rd from 10am to 12pm. Call Phyllis at the park office - 262-285-3015 if you can help with this event.  Phyllis's description of the event:Kites come in many shapes and sizes. See how a stunt kite flies and create your own kite to fly at the beach or at home. Check in at the office to confirm the program location.Check on our events calendar often for updates and new programs.

Concessions Manager and Volunteer Coordinator: Still waiting on the right person to step up.  This year we would love to open our concessions located at the Ansay Welcome Center.  But without a manager, we can't.  Are you up for a challenge of getting volunteers together, ordering supplies, working a few hours yourself?  Please contact Nancy through our email - .

Soda Machine Stocker and Ordering:  THANKS to new Friends member and volunteer Becky Hall for offering to help Neil with the soda machines this summer!

Wood Transport Crew: Wood Transport Crew needs several more volunteers. Contact us through our Facebook page - Friends of Harrington or our email   

This crew manages a labor of love to transport the wood culled from downed trees and seasoned through the winter from the maintenance shed off of County Rd D to the firewood shed by the Visitor Center.  We sell a lot of wood to campers and day visitors during May through October.  The profits from park wood is money that stays at Harrington Beach State Park. Last year our profits topped $14, 000.  BUT we need willing volunteers and strong backs. Park equipment is available to transport the wood.  

There are many other volunteer needs.  To ask what the park staff needs most, call the office at 262-285-3015.  Thanks and see you at the park!