Accessible Cabin

Harrington Beach State Park is the site of one of 10 accessible cabins available in the Wisconsin State Park System. The Friends of Harrington Beach State Park and the DNR partnered together to provide this accessible cabin for people with disabilities.

The cabin was built through generous donations, matching grants, donated professional services from designers, architects, construction project managers, and plenty of volunteer labor from local skilled tradesmen.

Harrington Beach State Park is the site of one of 10 accessible cabins available in the Wisconsin State Park System. The Friends of Harrington Beach State Park and the DNR partnered together to provide this accessible cabin for people with disabilities.

The cabin was built through generous donations, matching grants, donated professional services from designers, architects, construction project managers, and plenty of volunteer labor from local skilled tradesmen.

About the Cabin

The accessible cabin is situated within the campground with a lovely view of Puckett’s pond. It has kitchen counters that allow wheelchairs to roll under them, a bathroom with roll-in shower, family and dining areas, and a bedroom large enough for wheelchairs and attendants to move about. The campers sleep on hospital-style beds with Hoyer lifts nearby if they are needed. Additional sleeping space for family members is also provided on a pull-out bed in the living room and on cots on the screened porch.

Reservation Information

Accessible cabin reservations will be accepted starting January 10th. Due to the high demand, reservations will not be accepted for more than four consecutive nights and no more than four nights per year. There is a $7.95 reservation fee in addition to the nightly cabin rate. 

Complete the Accessible Cabin Reservation Request Form (2500-085) [PDF] and return it to Harrington Beach State Park.  Parks will accept telephone reservations for the cabins only from June 1 to the end of cabin season.
For more information, contact the Harrington Beach State Park office at (262) 285-3015.

For complete details on Wisconsin State Parks accessible cabin rentals, please visit: